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Ways to Thrive during Quarantine...

Ways to Thrive During The QuarantineHello from home quarantine! While going through the latest issue of my favorite magazine from the Netherlands; FLOW, I found a wonderful quick article on tips for making the most of being “stuck” at home, which certainly applies to all of us around the world during the coronavirus quarantine. So these are not my words, but I share their thoughts, wholeheartedly, and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did. TIPS FOR SOME ME-TIME AT HOME Are you home alone? Here are some ideas to do on days like these. Try a new recipe – Take a look through your (digital) cookbooks and try out a new recipe. Cooking can be very relaxing, and when you do it alone you can do it with great attention. Read a book – A virtually silent house equals minimum distractions, and that means you can really focus on your book. You could also choose to listen to an audiobook or podcast if you prefer. Discover a new hobby – It’s such a great feeling to be able to get to grips with a new skill, especially if it’s something that you really enjoy doing. So, start on some embroidery, learn to knit (it only takes an evening to pick up the basics) or dust off your pencils and brushes. Give your plants a boost – Digging your fingers into the earth is an activity that leaves you with a great sense of calm. So treat your plants to some new, nutritious soil; get rid of dead leaves; make some cuttings; or find a new place for your plants in the house. Do some yoga or meditation – And take the time for it. You can find various yoga exercises on YouTube and there are plenty of apps to help you master the movements, too. You can also learn meditation via a video or an app. Watch a good movie – With an afternoon or evening to yourself, you can finally watch that movie that your housemates don’t like. Light some candles, get some treats in and install yourself on the couch for at least an hour and a half of relaxation. Have a spa day – Yes, that’s also possible at home. Take a hot shower or soak in the bath, apply a face mask and pamper your hands and nails. You can also combine it with some yoga exercises or meditation for extra relaxation. Piece a jigsaw puzzle together – At the Flow office, we have a new addiction: jigsaw puzzles. Putting them together piece by piece, without really having to think about it, makes us feel so calm. And it’s a lovely activity to do alone. Bente van de Wouw for Flow Magazine

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